Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Lance Thompson Elementary
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
School Hours
The school doors will open at 7:20 a.m. and students will go straight to class. There will be an opportunity for students to get breakfast before going to class. For your child’s safety, no students are allowed to be at school before 7:20 a.m. unsupervised.
Our school start time is 7:40 a.m. Students should be in their seats and ready to learn at the 7:40 a.m. tardy bell. After 7:40 am, all students must enter through the front office and will be marked as tardy.
Breakfast will be served from 7:20 a.m. - 7:35 a.m.
Carline Map: Please follow the map below. We have worked with the Northlake Police and the NISD Safety and Security team to find a path that is safe for students, allows the buses to not be blocked, and doesn’t back traffic up in the community.
Traffic Pattern
Red X- no entrance for car line
Orange star- do not stop or park here, it backs up traffic and the buses cannot get around the corner with the cars there.
Parents are allowed to walk students the first three days of class. After this window, we do not allow parents to walk students to class. If your child needs assistance getting to class, please let any adult know and we will escort them to class.
Car Riders
Car riders may be dropped off using the front driveway in the mornings beginning at 7:20 a.m. until 7:40 a.m. There is NO car drop off in the back. School personnel will be at the front of the school to assist students, as needed, with getting out of the car. Please do not leave children unattended at the front doors until school personnel have arrived and the front doors are open.
If you are parking in the parking lot, you must escort your child to the crosswalk. Please do not allow children to be dropped off and unsupervised in the parking lot. **No cars may block a handicap spot for any length of time. Cars may only use the handicap parking with the appropriate handicap tags.
Vehicles should stay in a single line and should not pass stopped cars. Please be sure to pull all the way up to the cone. Students should be ready to exit the car on the curbside upon arrival. Once in the building, students will be able to walk to their classroom or go to breakfast.
Bus Riders
Bus riders enter through the cafeteria doors in the back of the school. Doors open at 7:20 a.m. Upon arrival, students will be able to walk to their classroom or go to breakfast.
Walkers may enter through the front doors starting at 7:20 a.m. Walkers may enter the back doors starting at 7:20 am. Upon arrival, students will be able to walk to their classroom or go to breakfast.
Bike Riders
Bike riders may enter through the front or back doors starting at 7:20 a.m. after parking bikes at the bike rack. Bikes must be walked on the sidewalks up to the building. Upon arrival, students will be able to walk to their classroom or go to breakfast.
Car Riders
All car riders will be picked up in the front driveway of the school. Parents should stay in a single line and should not pass stopped cars. Teachers will supervise students’ departure. Please have a Lance car tag hanging on the mirror that details the child’s last name and grade. Multiple siblings and/or grade levels can be written on the same tag. Visibility of the sign will assist us in providing a quick, safe, and smooth dismissal process. Please be sure to pull all the way up to the cone.
Bus Riders and Daycare
Bus riders and Daycare students will walk with teachers through the cafeteria to board the buses at the back of the school at the end of the day. Pre-K, Kindergarten and First-grade students will not be allowed to be left at a bus stop without an adult present to meet them.
Students attending Alphabest will meet Alphabest employees in the cafeteria at the end of the school day.
Walkers will be dismissed out of the front of the school as well as the back of the building.
In the front: Teachers will escort students down the sidewalk and across the street at the corner of Hawks Way & 9th Street. Walkers will be released once they have crossed the street.
In the back: Teachers will escort students down the sidewalk AFTER the buses have been dismissed. They will be released at the corner of Thompson Road & Tattler Court.
If you will be late to meet your walker, please let the office know prior to dismissal.
Bike Riders
Bike riders will meet in the AMP hall. A teacher will escort them to the bike racks in the front or the back to pick up their bikes. They will walk their bikes to the crosswalk.
Bike riders will be dismissed with the walkers. Front bikes will be released at the corner of Hawks Way & 9th Street. Back bikes will be released after buses pass at the corner of Thompson Road & Tattler Court.
Ride Changes
We will no longer be accepting emails for ride changes. Please fill out this form to notify us of a ride change for your student. This form must be completed prior to 2:00 p.m. This will ensure that all ride changes are updated and all teachers are alerted.
For emergency dismissal changes, notify the office at 817-698-1800, as soon as possible.
If you are checking your child out of school early (early dismissal), please check him/her out before 2:30 pm. No early dismissal after 2:30 pm.
Thank you for your help in following these procedures so we can provide a safe environment for all children.